Thursday, March 20, 2008

Embarrasing Bob Moment #23459

Jamiacan Black Bean Soup and spin class do not mix!

I had a healthy serving of black bean soup from Au Bon Pain yesterday for lunch....I mean with 33g of fiber and 22g of protein, what's not good?

You know what's not good? Eating a bowl of fiber, and then spinning really fast on a stationary bike. You guys, I thought to G*d I was going to die!

One toot is ok...I mean there's loud music and it's dark, and no one notices. Four toots while you're doing a standing run, and the person next to you starts to look at you sideways. Then we did sprints and I thought seriously starting reliving that Margaret Cho story where she shit herself in the car. It was awful. I had to leave class early, everyone stares at you when you leave class early, and the person next to me kept smirking. I barely made it home....sort of like when I had Coq Au Vin at Petit Robert, Chinese Food at Aku Aku in Worcester, or the Oreo Blast at the movie theatre....

Moral of story kids? While it's important to eat healty and exercise frequently, don't toot and spin.

1 comment:

Ed said...

HAHAHA Rafa and I had a good laugh over this... Hopefully Justin was not the guy next to you. Hugs! -Ed