Friday, October 3, 2008

"Excuse me, your nipple is in my burrito"

The evening was a typical gathering at F & R. Frozen strawberry margaritas, 8 chicken burritos, and Marco – licking the breast of the female food runner. I wish I was exaggerating… Her name is Fatima, by the way, and she recently had butt implants. She wanted to take us all home to Brazil and dress Marco up in her mother’s dresses…for realz. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up.

After dinner, as we were exiting the restaurant, a group of probably gay maybe bisexuals walked by. Marco yelled “Hey dirty daddy.” Naturally. The Dirty Daddy turned around and said, “Dirty?” How does Marco respond? “I wish I were your friends bike seat.” Awesome. The arch angle of near gay bashing must have been sitting on Marco’s shoulder, because we weren’t stabbed.

I rode Tim’s bike for half a block. It’s different riding a bike that’s not stationary with hard core techno music in the background. That, and Tim likes to ride with the seat so high up, I thought I was getting a colonoscopy. Probably not a good idea after Tex-Mex.

One drunken T ride home later, we ended up at 130 West Newton to watch the debate. Tim passed out “Palin Bingo” sheets. Set up like a bingo board, it basically had catch phrases like Maverick, Main St, Special Needs, etc…and you won if you got 5 across, down, etc. Zoeller won, I didn’t. The debate was still interested and Palin did better than I expected. I also drank a bottle of Chardonnay.

Because I didn’t want to drink and go to Estate last night, I ended up drinking and going to Estate last night. A litre of Strawberry Margaritas and a bottle of $7 wine go great with a Long Island Iced Tea, made with the alcoholic abandon of a gay club bartender. So yeah, I could only do that one drink. I danced with Marco, molested Tim, and pretty much had a typical night at Estate. Oh, I also said hi to Carson from Queer Eye. For the second time at Estate. He said “Hi.” And I said “Hello again, Carson.’ He looked a little confused. Then he went and danced with some hot 20 yr old tall boi on the dance floor. Oh well, Queer Eye is SO 2003.

Today, woke up wicked tired, and that was the worst of my hangover. Got through work, and now I’m enjoying the MBTA train to Newburyport, where I can spend a relaxing evening with my parents, watching 3rd Rock from the Sun DVD’s at 100 decibel volume and going to be at 8pm. Good times.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Gauisus Indepence Dies America.

Thursday, I got up and went to the gym with Peter. Peter and I took a long walk around the city afterwards, and then met up with everyone for dinner at Fajitas and Ritas after work. We had a few drinks at my house afterwards. A bunch of people went to Estate, but I passed.

Friday, the 4th of July!

I got up and went over to Peter’s and helped him (aka watched him) set up for lunch. The number dropped from six to four, but we had hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, sauerkraut, potato salad and beans. Also, Pimms and lemonade, which is a fun summer drinks. Pimms is a British alcohol that is made from Gin. It tastes like iced tea/lemonade (half and half) when Pimms is mixed with lemonade.

So, we went to the fireworks on the Mass Ave bridge. We sat behind these loud obnoxious straight guys. I guess it’s par for the course when you sit on Mass Ave. The fireworks were great. Jeffrey and his friends came too…we watched and then walked home. I’ve never been in an angry mob before, but I can see the thrill of it. A couple thousand people deciding to walk down Mass ave with traffic coming, and the cars not really being able to do anything. I wouldn’t throw a shopping cart through a store front or anything, but it was fun to be in control of the road with everyone, if only for a little bit.

Saturday was SIX FLAGS. I had a blast. I went with Marco, Jeremy, Tim Daly, Mike Wake, James, Tony Ray, Bryan and Chris.

We arrived at the park and RAN to Superman. It was awesome because there was no lines at all. No wait. We walked right up. In fact, we rode Superman 3 times that afternoon. I think some people actually rode it more. Now, I’ve never had a problem with rollercoasters. Flip me upside down, backwards, anyway you want, and I won’t get queasy. So I went on every ride. The only disturbing part of the day was spending $14 on a chicken wrap for lunch. That, and riding a raft right under a waterfall, and felling the whole thing go down your back, as 8 of your closest friends look on and laugh at you.

It started to pour half way through the day, so we bought some poncho’s (super sexy) and rode the rides in the rain. Hey, it just meant the lines were even shorter. We stayed until about 5:30, and then headed home. Some of us went to dinner at Chef Chang’s, and then went to see Wanted with Angelina Jolie. I really liked the movie, others were indifferent. It was fun and corny, as most assassin movies are, but I like the special effects.

Sunday, I was up early again and off to visit Mom and Dad for their anniversary next week (23 years!)

Good long weekend!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ego can non levo meus telum

I decided (with a good push from Peter) to start lifting weights again. I think I do have some muscle already there somewhere, probably just hidden under a layer of a bit of chub and freckly pale skin. So, I thought, “What the hell,” and went with Peter at 8pm over to BSC. We did free weights, bench press, incline press, and decline press, followed by free weight biceps curls. It was a good sensation doing it….even though I realized how weak I had become after not lifting weights for almost a year, maybe longer. Jeremy made a good point (I know!) the other day about saying that just doing cardio and not doing weights doesn’t really help anything. He was right.

I have Disney in November and a Caribbean cruise in February, so I would like to see what I can do to help myself along until then. Lifting weights again will be a great help, but of course I’ll always have spin class as well.

That was last night.

Today, I could barely shampoo my hair, as I felt like when I lifted my arms I was also lifting three gallons of milk on each side. The only way I could brush my teeth was by putting the toothbrush on the edge of the sink and rubbing my face back and forth over it. It’s only been 12 hours, and I CAN’T WAIT to see how I feel tonight. Oh, that, and Peter and I are doing it all over again tomorrow morning.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Brownies es mortuus

I had a great time at Tony Ray’s BBQ.

The BBQ was at his boyfriend Chris’ apartment, which is a wonder little studio over on Clarendon St. You walk right into the kitchen from the street which opens into the living/bed area, and then out to a huge deck and garden.

Jeremy and I went (I even baked brownies) and also there were Matt Woodward, Matt Shuman, Paul, Jason and Stuart. We drank wine, Tony Ray made some amazing green apple martinis, and we just sort of all hung out and relaxed. Oh, and Tony gave me these great plastic ice cubes that change colors, and I want them….really bad.

So as the night slowed down, I gathered up my remaining brownies (stole a cookie) and we all headed out. Someone (Jeremy?) had the great idea to all go back to my house and hang out. So we headed over (the group above). Have you met drunk Bob? He tends to talk to strangers. He basically offered Chris’ neighbors some brownies (Jeremy: “What’s wrong with you?”), and as I was defending my actions to Jeremy, Matt W decided it would be a wonderful idea to kick the container of brownies I was holding as we walked down Warren St. The container, lid, brownies, and sole cookie literally arched themselves into the air, all over the street, and then was run over by a car.

Brownies es mortuus. To make it up to me, Matt bought a rickshaw ride for us from West Newton St to Mass Ave. I think he paid $20….oh well, I really liked those brownies.

We got home, and I realized I had 5 people over, and no margarita mix. I did, however, have frozen orange juice concentrate. I think, had I mixed it correctly, I could have made a really fun orange tequila drink. But since I just put a whole can of orange concentrate, with tequila and triple sec (orance liquor), I basically made tequila sorbet. Jason couldn’t even drink it.

A good night, saw friend I hadn’t seen in a while, and was able to say a goodbye to Stuart, whom I’m going to miss dearly.

On Sunday, I saw Get Smart with Jeremy.

Monday, June 16, 2008

meus micans ran absentis quod quispiam fluo a imbibo in meus caput capitis

Oh, Pride.

That magical time when it’s ok to drink during the day. It’s ok to actually wear that rainbow necklace you bought when you first came out. It’s ok for the gay caste system to mix. Don’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Twinks waive to Bears. Lesbians lend a helping hand to a gym bunnie, and a gay who’s 20 might actually talk to a gay who’s 30. A magical time, indeed!

Saturday morning, I got up early to wait for Dennis. Whenever Dennis comes to visit, I feel like a kid waiting for Santa Claus. He always comes early in the day, and so I end getting up early, and waiting patiently for him to arrive. This time, however, we were also having a brunch. Adam got up early too, and we cleaned, cooked, and prepared for a small brunch before the parade. We call it “Gay eggs and ham.” Peter, Bryan, Jeffrey and Dennis. Adam made deconstructed egg sandwiches on English muffins, and we had a few mimosas and poinsettias (which is champagne and cranberry juice).

The parade this year was a little disappointing, but it was fun to see everyone out and about. About every 20 minutes, Dennis, John and I would pop into The Eagle and have a drink, so by the end, the parade was obviously better. After the parade some of us went back to our house for a few drinks, and along the way, I ran into Z H-J, who was visiting from out of town.

After lunch, and about two bottles of wine (now, it’s only about 4pm), people went home for their disco naps, and Z H-J stopped by to check out my apartment. We all headed over to Chef Chang’s for dinner, and had the best dinner I can remember. So much fun. People there know why, but I won’t go into details to protect the innocent.

Pre-gaming ensued at Marco’s and we surprised him with a trip to Disney World for his 31st birthday. I’ve never seen Marco so excited. We’re going to have a lot of fun. We drank some more, and headed over to The Roxy.

The Roxy was $30 to get in. $30! $30! The only think that made up for it was they had the upstairs balcony’s open and we got a section of couches by one of the bars that vaguely made Bob & Co look VIP. But don’t worry, we destroyed that illusion quickly. Marco thought it would be a great idea to pour a drink on my head and also pour one down his pants. His reasoning? I kept saying “I’m gonna fuck you up this weekend.” So he decided to fuck me up instead. What does a Bob do in that situation? Cry. I cried at the Roxy. But it was ok in the end…the drink didn’t stain my shirt (it was clear) and John Martz took me the bathroom to fix my hair. Oh, and Danny flew up from Philly for the night, too.

By the end of the night, Z H-J went home with his friends, and I think I got a ride home from Dennis, John, Danny, and someone Danny found on the street. We dropped Sidewalk Sale home on the way back, and then got a pizza and crashed Peter and Bryan’s at 3am. I was SO tired, and SO hungry, that all I could do was eat my pizza, and also lay my head on their kitchen table. Dennis and I eventually got home, where I first tried to sleep on the floor, before I managed to get to my room.

Sunday. Ok, so there’s no delicate way to put this. I got up early, and was…oh…ok…just say it Bob…looking at porn. And of course, I was having “Bob Time” as I was perusing through X-Tube. Just when I was about to complete the logical ending to this event, I heard the loudest crashing sound ever right outside my window, to the point where I almost threw my computer across the room and thought G*d was punishing me. Seriously. Not cool.

For no reason whatsoever, a giant tree in my backyard fell, knocked over my neighbors grill, landed on a powerline, and feel into our yard, with tons of tree branches, leaves, etc everywhere. Almost every window on both sides of the alley had a face in it as everyone looked out to see the ruckus. So scary, and so poorly timed. So if anyone says I have the power to bring down powerlines, they’re not kidding!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Embarrasing Bob Moment #23459

Jamiacan Black Bean Soup and spin class do not mix!

I had a healthy serving of black bean soup from Au Bon Pain yesterday for lunch....I mean with 33g of fiber and 22g of protein, what's not good?

You know what's not good? Eating a bowl of fiber, and then spinning really fast on a stationary bike. You guys, I thought to G*d I was going to die!

One toot is ok...I mean there's loud music and it's dark, and no one notices. Four toots while you're doing a standing run, and the person next to you starts to look at you sideways. Then we did sprints and I thought seriously starting reliving that Margaret Cho story where she shit herself in the car. It was awful. I had to leave class early, everyone stares at you when you leave class early, and the person next to me kept smirking. I barely made it home....sort of like when I had Coq Au Vin at Petit Robert, Chinese Food at Aku Aku in Worcester, or the Oreo Blast at the movie theatre....

Moral of story kids? While it's important to eat healty and exercise frequently, don't toot and spin.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bob & Co Weekend Festivities

My Birthday Weekend kicked some serious ass! It did. I've never been more touched by the support, and love of my friends and family, and I couldn't have thought of a better way to ring in being 30!

Thursday - My birthday kicked off at 12:01am with a birthday sandwich from Rob, John and Tim. I went to bed and did a little silent scream. I'M 30! I woke up to a plethera of birthday well wishes - phone calls, emails, texts, and Facebooks, etc. That day at work, I got a muffin from Jill, and a card from everyone at work. About 20 people made a joke about old age and it was all in good fun. That night, I went to Smith and Wollensky's with Peter, Bry, Marco, Jeremy, Adam and John. Restaurant week, so I wouldn't put too much of a financial strain on them. I got caesar salad, filet mignon with gorgonzola crust, and chocolate cake! Best birthday meal ever! After dinner. we all went back to 130, had some wine (Peter and Bryan bought me a case for my Bday!), and I chatted with Tim and Jeremy until almost 2am.

Friday - Woke up later because I had the day off from work. Peter and I hit the gym, and then came home to wait for Danny/Dennis/Noah. You know that scene from Christmas Vacation, where everything is very quiet right before the grandparents arrive, and time slows down as the door bell rings? That's what it was like. Because as soon as Danny and Dennis arrived, the weekend started. Danny gave me a great set of dishes for the new apartment, and we went for a walk to get a drink. Nothing was open at 4:45, so we headed back. Dinner that night was at Chef Chang's. We headed back to Marco's for some pregaming, and then partied the night away at Machine. I kissed a gypsy!

Saturday - I woke Danny up at 8:45 to see if he wanted to go to spin class. I got a look of death, and he rolled over. Dennis, John and I went to starbucks, and then Dennis and I got our eyebrows done. We had lunch at Pop's, and then John, Tim and I went to Stop and Shop to buy food and stuff for the party.

The Party....OMG. It was everything that I wanted and didn't want wrapped into one. I wanted one last big horrah before I left, and that was exactly what I got. Huge. No one could move, and there was a line of people waiting in the hall to get in. Someone threw up, it was about 400 degress in the house, etc, etc. I actually stayed sober the whole night (I know!) and got to see what it was like to actually proctor on of those parties. Did I have a good time? Yes! Would I do it again? Probably not. But I had fun, and got to see everyone, so it's all good.

Sunday - We rallied for lunch at 1 at TGIFridays. Then Adam and I went and set up a gift registry at Crate and Barrell for our apartment. Not that we expect people to buy us anything, but just so that we're both on the same page if we go to buy extra stuff this spring/summer, etc. That evening Peter and I went over to Stuart's to help celebrate his 30th birthday.

So all and all, it was a fantastic weekend, and I am truly blessed to be able to celebrate my life with my friends and loved ones :)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm 30.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Garfield hasn't been doing it for me in a long time. But today's comic made me laugh.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Power of the iPod

So last weekend, I put my Ipod shuffle through the washer AND dryer. I had left them in my gym shorts. I was VERY VERY upset, as I had just got the little guy. His name was "Little Stevie" and he even had Bob & Co laser engraved on the back. I still have a video IPod, but this was great to take just to the gym, or on the walk home from work, etc.

Well, it was broken. Didn't work. Looked like it went through a rock tumbler, etc. I was sad.

Tonight, on a whim, I took it out, and plugged it into my computer. It works!


Bob & Co News

I have just learned that Bertucci's at Back Bay is gone. Not remodeling, not closing. Gone - shuttered up last week, with a sign taped to the window asking to please visit the Kenmore Square location for any of your Bertuccian needs. Let's all take a moment of silence. -J

Thank you John Martz. Thank G*d there is still Chili's, Cheesecake Factory, and CPK. Let us also not forget UNO's and the occasional trip to TGIFriday's.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Kira: A place where nobody dared to go / the love that we came to know / They call it Xanadu / And now, open your eyes and see / what we have made is real / We are in Xanadu / A million lights are dancing and there you are, a shooting star / An everlasting world and you're here with me, eternally / Xanadu / Xanadu / now we are here in Xanadu / Xanadu / Xanadu / now we are here in Xanadu / Xanadu, your neon lights will shine for you, Xanadu / The love, the echoes of long ago / you needed the world to know / They are in Xanadu / The dream that came through a million years / That lived on through all the tears, it came to Xanadu / A million lights are dancing and there you are, a shooting star / An everlasting world and you're here with me, eternally / Now that I'm here, now that you're near in Xanadu / Now that I'm here, now that you're near in Xanadu, Xanadu.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Weekend Update

There is something silently awesome about a cat sleeping next to you. They always look so peaceful, so rested, and they just look so cuddly...lying there, being adorable. But anyhoo.

Let's see. Bob's weekend. Friday evening involved dinner at the Rustic Kitchen. I liked it, but it turned out to be one of those evenings when everyone spends about $50 each on dinner. Wine, appetizers, delicious entrees, etc. I had a great tuna steak. They also tape a cooking show in the back of the restaurant every Friday night. We weren't on TV, but we did watch them filming it, and the host came over to our table afterwards and told us that we should sign up to be on the show. :)

After dinner, I went to Machine with Jeremy, Marco and Timmay. We had a good time, from what I can remember. I drank way too many Vodka and Red Bulls and chatting with Steve for a while. There was dancing, there were drinks, what more can you expect from Machine.

Saturday, I got at 7:50am to go to Spin Class. Rob and I went extra early, and had a great class. Noting quite like burping up Red Bull at 8:15am, and being pretty sure that your sweat smelled like Vanilla Vodka. That is what Jeremy had me doing shots of before we left for Machine. I hate Jeremy.

After the gym, I came home and studied. And by study, I mean hung out with Peter, Adam and Bryan all afternoon. They made a wonderful French dinner, and we had a family dinner that night. My job was to bring the wine, which I actually made Adam pick out, so I really didn't do anything. Peter/Bryan made a Coq au Vin, vegetables, sauerkraut, and a fantastic lemon tart cake. Adam made an onion salad, which I was not allowed to put ranch dressing on. I was actually also forbidden from putting ranch dressing on the chicken as well. They don't like ranch dressing.

Oh, and did anyone else think that SNL REALLY sucked last night? I thought it was absolutely hilarious last week with Tina Fey, but I was not happy with Ellen Page hosting. Oh well. At least the Hillary Clinton part in the beginning was funny. Can't win them all, Seth Meyers.

Sunday, I woke up at 7:50, looked at my clock, said "Fuck It," and rolled back to bed. I started studying for reals and sequestered myself with Advanced Estate Planning II and classical music until we went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory at 6. I know, cutting it very close for our weekly Cheesecake experience. Peter and Bryan sort of came upstairs and read/played online while I studied. It was like old times when the three of us lived there.

So that's about it. Good weekend. Very productive (at least I think so). Tomorrow is spin class/studying, and then I have a test on Wedneday after work.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Two weeks of my 20's left.

**big breath**

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Oscar's kind of sucked

The Oscars kind of sucked last night. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's because I didn't see the two movies that seemed to be in every category, "No Country for Old Men" or "There will be blood." Eh. Also, my girl Cate was shut out of both categories for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress. So, it wasn't the best telecast I've seen, although I still love Jon Steward.

Let's see....what else this weekend. We went and took measurements at the new apartment. We were suprised to see that it was still as big as we remembered, and the noise from Mass Ave wasn't horrible with the windows closed. I'm getting to the point where I'm getting anxious to move. And it's a month and 4 days away. Boo.

I have an exam on Friday, so I should be sequistered up in my room until Friday....with the exceptions of going to spin class, etc.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone at Bob & Co.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

30 Days 'Till 30

I turn 30 in exactly one month.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. I mean, I've spent so much of the past year dreading this day, that now that's it's almost here, I'm almost relieved. I keep telling myself that it's just a number, but I also can see myself saying things like "You're 30 now, you should start dating again." or "You're 30 now, take out your tongue ring." I think that I'm just nervous. Nervous that I'm not in the right place at 30. Some friends my age have kids, are married, and own a home. Am I ready for any of those things? I definitely am too selfish right now for kids. I can barely go on three dates with a guy, much less get married. And for me to buy a place in Boston, I'm probably going to need two incomes. So 2 and 3 go together.

Oddly enough, the people who I know who are married, with kids, and own a home are all my straight friends (Jed and Jon being an exception with basically two out of three). Hmm, I wonder if gay men settle down later in life on average?

Basically, I have to stop comparing myself to other people my age, and just compare myself to me. I have a good job, I'm getting a great apartment, I have fantastic friends, so really...I guess I'm ready. But that doesn't mean you won't find me huddled in the corner crying on the night of March 12th.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Movin' On Up

Bob & Co Corporate Headquarters will be moving to Massachusetts Avenue at the end of March! It's official!

After 2 days shy of 5 years, I will be leaving 130 West Newton St. After living with Eric, Paul, Scott, Peter, Alfie, Noah, Bryan, John, Rob and Tim, I'm going for one roommate, Adam.

We got a great two bedroom on Massachusetts Avenue (never call it Mass Ave) on the corner of Tremont St, right near the edge of Chester Park. Very tall ceilings, chandeliers, a great room, etc it's going to be great, and I can't wait!

I'm going to miss 130, but I'm looking forward to a change, and something different.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Drinking and dieting rarely go hand in hand. Two things usually happen.

1. You count calories all day, basically taking in a limited amount of calories so you can drink later. You end up drinking on an empty stomach and get drunk really fast.

2. Once you're drunk, you usually go over your calorie intake for the day anyway.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Quiet evening. I'm studying for my master's. I have three exams left, and then I'm done. Tonight, I'm studying Executive Compensation. And yes, it's as sexy as it sounds. Another test on Advanced Estate Planning II in two weeks, followed by the last one, Planning for Retirement Needs. Hopefully, by March 11th, I have a Master's of Financial Services. And before I turn, 30! That's my goal. I'm also back on calorie king (for the upteenth time) and I have a weight loss goal for my 30th as well. My 30th will be my New Year's eve.

So I've already studied, taken a practice exam, taken out the recycling, cleaned the bathroom and replaced a few light bulbs. Now, I'm reviewing and waiting for Make Me A Supermodel in 34 minutes. I'm also noticing how much shit I have in my room, that I'm probably going to have to get rid of before I move in April. I hate moving. Maybe that's why I haven't done it in 5 years.

What's on my mind:
Christian is being spastic.
I spend way too much money at Dunkin' Donuts every week.
I'm watching the news more and more.
I'm worried about my family.
I'm going to Maine next weekend.
Itunes is playing the String Quartet Tribute to Fleetwood Mac. And I like it.
That's all.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Friday started with a nice quiet evening of dinner at CPK and the having a couple glasses of wine over at Adam's. It was cool because we don't often get over to Adam's house. It was pouring rain that night, and I got to see Marco trying to drain the common by sticking sticks in puddles to see if he could find the drain. "Fuucccckkkkiinnn!" Oh, Marco.

Saturday, I woke Adam up at 1oam, and he, Peter, Bryan and I went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. We then went to dinner at Cactus Club, and over to Club Cafe to meet a co worker for a drink. We had a GREAT time. I guess it's a good venue every once in a while. Those in attendance were Peter, Marco, Jeremy, Matt, John and Adam.

Sunday, I woke Adam up at 9am, so I could make muffins! Very simple Betty Crocker blueberry muffins. Basically, add 1/2 cup of water, and're done! So simple, and quiet delicious!

Continuing our weekend of eating out, we went to lunch at TGIFriday's, followed by a trip to the gym by Peter and I.

I decided to keep my cooking spree going by making a Mexican Lasagna for dinner. It's a relatively simple recipe and a good quick meal to make for a group. Brown some ground hamburger in a skillet. Add some salsa, tomato paste, spices and a bit of spaghetti sause to the mix. In a casserole bowl layer soft flour totillas, hamburger mixture, shredded mexican cheese, and sour cream. Repeat the layering three times (if you can). Cook at 350 for 3o minutes covered with aluminum foil. Remove foil and cook for another 3o minutes. This is my Mom's recipe.

Now we're watching the SuperBowl. I hope the Patriots win. Just to make work easier tomorrow!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Well, it's Friday. I'm enjoying a reduced fat blueberry muffin and iced coffee from D&D. My man crush doesn't work until the afternoon. I am listening to some high enenery dance music and rockin' out at my desk. And it's only 8:44am. My weekend is probably going to involve wine, dancing, food, spin class and good friends. Can't argue with that way to start a February.

I tip my hat to the fine people at Bravo. Make Me A Supermodel is the best show ever. They don't even pretend that it's not just about putting hot guys in their underwear as much as possible. While ANTM has themes like "Going Green" or "Space" or "Covergirl," the past few themes of MMAS have been "Naked", "Sexy," and "Underwear."Kudos, Bravo. Kudos. Take some notes, Ty-Ty. And America (meaning the gay guys who watch Bravo) gets to vote off all the women, just keeping the men on! Brillant!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I watched the democratic debate tonight on CNN, and I am officially in camp Hillary!

I truly belive she has the dedication, will, intelligence and experience to lead this country. I also believe that she has the charisma and drive to win the Democratic ticket as well as the election.

Hillary '08!

Thank you!

I would like to Thank Peter for the wonderful icon to the right, and Adam for helping me change the Template last night.

Let's get this party started!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

D & D

So I have a crush on the guy who works at Dunkin Donuts. He's always sweet, always talks fast, and always remembers my order.

Today he asked us if we were going to see "The Spicey Girls" tonight.

No, sadly, I'm not.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Goodbye Gramp

Today I lost my last grandfather. Franklyn L. Hamilton, 89, of Gloucester MA passed away due to lung cancer. I'm going to miss him a lot.

Growing up, my father's family all basically lived in the same house. It was a two family, with my Great Grandparents living upstairs, and my grandparents living downstairs. While everyone would congregate downstairs to talk, eat, smoke, etc, my Great Grandfather always stayed upstairs. Same chair by the window, always playing video games. For a 10 year old who didn't like smoke, and loved video games, it was great. It was like an escape. I would climb the stairs, knock on the door, and wait for the "Come!" Always the same greeting. Always Gramp.

Always quiet, never noisey or smokey, I would visit with Gramp for hours. He had Super Nintendo before me, Game Cube, N64...etc. And he had a love of the RPG games. Final Fantasy, etc. So he would do all the levels, find all the quests, etc, and help me when I was stuck.

Once I went to college, I stopped playing video games, and didn't visit Gloucester that often. But I would still go upstairs and sit with Gramp. We had less to talk about, but it was still my quiet time with him.

He was an artist, and a lover of books. He had an affinity towards mysteries, especially Sherlock Holmes. He loved the Maltese Falcoln, The Shawdow and other hard boiled detective stories.

Goodbye Gramp. I miss you and love you, and will always think of you the next time I play a video game.

Monday, January 28, 2008

A New Beginning

I'm going to try this blogging thing again. Much like my interests in spin class, or South Beach, or Britney Spears, I have a tendency to get a renewed interest every few months, and then walk away. I really enjoyed having a live journal for so long, and I found it easier to just tell the story of my life than just pick interesting topics to explore. So I'm back to a more live journal'ish blog. Hey, 2004! LOL

So, this past weekend was fun. Although, without Peter and Bryan to make me coffee in the morning. Friday, I went to dinner with Adam at Bennigans, and then went to see Juno at Boston Common. Mazer came along. I loved the movie. Just a round about good dark comedy. I came home around 10:30, with the hopes and dreams of getting up early for a 9am spin class. But the Gods of Drunken Roommates had other plans for me, and I was up until 4:30am.

Saturday, I crankily got up around 8am, and then met up with Jermey and Marco to our weekend brunch/lunch to a franchised family eatery. We really went wild and went to Pub 99 in Charlestown. Although, I got yelled at for calling it Pub 99, I guess it's just called "The 99" now, but I digress. After lunch, we jaunted over to the Cambridge Side Galleria. I refound my love of Express Men (curse whoever moved them out of Prudential), but didn't love what shirt size I am now. eh. After shopping, we went to Target, and then I went home to collapse in a ball of post-shopping-tiredness which I always seem to get when I'm out shopping for more than 3 hours.

Saturday night, I went to Fajitas and Ritas with Jeremy, Marco, and Mazer. The service was great, the frozen margaritas even better, and we made friends with the two girls at the next table. (of course you did!) We then went to Jackson's 27th birthday party. I had a few drinks, was asked to make a few Bobtini's and then played a game of pin the dick on the homo. A game, not a euphamism. I was helped home by my roommates, and appearantly yelled out to some woman in the street, "Amy Winehouse,....heeey!" which if funny, because I guess she looked nothing like Amy Winehouse, and wasn't amused at my comparison. Nor was her boyfriend.

Sunday, I had lunch with Pallavi, Lauren, and Lisa and Buddha's Delight. It's this really sketchy looking place in Chinatown, with good food. Everything is vegan. So I had the "pork" platter. Mmm, pork platter. I convinced Pallavi and Lauren to go see 27 dresses with me, even though they've already seen it. I loved it. I was one of 5 guys in the theatre, but that just means that James Marsden had an easier time to pick me out of the crowd, and take me to some far away exotic location where he can...oh, I'm sorry.