Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ego can non levo meus telum

I decided (with a good push from Peter) to start lifting weights again. I think I do have some muscle already there somewhere, probably just hidden under a layer of a bit of chub and freckly pale skin. So, I thought, “What the hell,” and went with Peter at 8pm over to BSC. We did free weights, bench press, incline press, and decline press, followed by free weight biceps curls. It was a good sensation doing it….even though I realized how weak I had become after not lifting weights for almost a year, maybe longer. Jeremy made a good point (I know!) the other day about saying that just doing cardio and not doing weights doesn’t really help anything. He was right.

I have Disney in November and a Caribbean cruise in February, so I would like to see what I can do to help myself along until then. Lifting weights again will be a great help, but of course I’ll always have spin class as well.

That was last night.

Today, I could barely shampoo my hair, as I felt like when I lifted my arms I was also lifting three gallons of milk on each side. The only way I could brush my teeth was by putting the toothbrush on the edge of the sink and rubbing my face back and forth over it. It’s only been 12 hours, and I CAN’T WAIT to see how I feel tonight. Oh, that, and Peter and I are doing it all over again tomorrow morning.


Unknown said...

Latinus tuus auxilium eget.

Unknown said...

...but I love your titles!! :-D